Support Zaynab at the contactless DFL caucuses!
This year, it’s easier than ever to make your voice heard in the DFL endorsement process. Thanks to the decision of Senate District 63 to put the health of our community first, caucuses will be held virtually.
Sign up to caucus and become a delegate for Zaynab at the SD63 convention before 9:00 PM February 1st using the forms below:
- Residents of the Minneapolis part of SD63 use this form
- Residents of Fort Snelling or the Richfield part of SD63 use this form.
Those who prefer to fill out a paper or PDF form can download and use the state DFL’s PDF form. If you choose to use a paper form, it must be submitted before January 29th either by emailing it to or mailing it to: 3429 21st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
Steps for using the online forms:
Step 1:
Ensure that you are
- A resident of SD63.
- You consider yourself a member of the DFL Party and agree with its principals
- You are NOTa member of any other political party.
- You will be at least 18 and eligible to vote by Nov. 8, 2022
Step 2:
Fill out pages 1-4 of the virtual form
Step 3:
In order to support Zaynab at the Senate District Convention, be sure to check the “Delegate” box under “Senate District Convention” on page 5:
Step 4:
Fill out pages 6-8
Step 5:
Sign page 9 to affirm that everything you have entered into your form is correct and true.
Step 6:
Get ready to become a delegate to the convention on April 9th!
If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at

We deserve a government that creates systems that make our lives easier, not harder.